We offer two types of Connect Groups at Gates:

CONNECT SOCIAL GROUPS meet on a monthly basis, in many different settings. We believe as scriptures tells us, we are not to forsake the fellowshipping of ourselves together. These groups exist at Gates to provide a place for people to develop deeper connections with likeminded believers who are planted in the same House. Our Connect Social Groups provide a safe place to invite friends and family who are not comfortable with the traditional idea of Church. Connect Social groups offer the ability to connect with others who share mutual interest.

CONNECT EQUIP CLASSES meet on a weekly basis, in a classroom setting. Jesus commissioned us to make disciples, this is the heart beat of Gates of the City and specifically our Connect Equip Classes.These classes are focused on a specific topic each semester and help to build each person by renewing the mind and developing the spirit man. These 6-8 week intensive classes help to enrich and develop the word that is preached weekly at Gates.

For additional info on each Connect Group, please email us at gatesinfo@gatesofthecity.org. Select a group below to sign up for.
