
My intention is for this blog to inspire and encourage you as you take the time to read it.


Make Disciples

January 23, 2013
God isn't building you or I, He is building His church. He is and will continue to use those that have been discipled and it is up to us to disciple people. He can't build His church with unbelievers and the unbelievers will never see Him if we "hang out" with believers all the t...


The Anointing

December 05, 2012
When we understand that "the name of the Lord" is not a place but a mindset, we will begin to find peace like never before. By casting all our cares on Him, we are humbling ourselves under Him. All we need is the light of the Anointing to transform us into anything. The word prod...


Thanksgiving and Praise

September 25, 2012
When it comes to being thankful and praising God for what He has done for you, it does not matter what is happening around you, you have to praise Him anyway! When something or someone tries to pull you down, find someone else to encourage. When things come against you through ot...


Spiritual Growth

August 09, 2012
     If we want to grow spiritually, there are actions we must take. We must be ever increasing in our faith and we know faith comes by hearing (the word). Spiritual growth happens when we are speaking the word, if you're not speaking the word, what are you speaki...



April 18, 2012
Obedience is the key to breakthrough in all areas of our lives. It can open a door for breakthrough in one area that will lead you to breakthrough in another area. It can be a chain reaction, but first we must develop a heart of obedience. (1 Sam. 15:22) When breakthrough happ...


Don't Be Moved

March 14, 2012
What you see and hear is effecting what you think, so refuse to be moved by what you see, what you hear and what you think. The more you think on something, you are giving it a place in your heart and mind, it will begin to take roots and go deeper (Phil. 4:8).     &nb...


Frame Your Life In The Word

January 16, 2012
When you frame your world with partial truth, you battle back and forth in different sides of your life. The enemy doesn't play fair. Anything but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is a lie!  As we know "No lie is of the truth" (1 John 2:21). Lies shut the...


Obedience Produces Faith

December 28, 2011
As we know, faith without works is dead. Our faith increases when we fully complete the things God has asked of us and commanded us to do. Partial obedience is disobedience.      We must fully complete what He tells us to do. Punish the disobedience in your life ...


The Holy Spirit & You

November 14, 2011
The Holy Spirit is available to us, to help us. But there is a responsibility on our part to have an ever flowing communicating relationship with Him. Praying in the Spirit will build us up in faith, but it will not change our circumstances if we are not already built up, when w...


We Are Three, We Are One

October 12, 2011
The Holy Spirit is effecting our thoughts on a daily basis, but we have to take our soul-effected thoughts captive. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, They are three but They are one. We are three, spirit, soul and body, but we must learn how to function as one. As we allow the H...



September 28, 2011
What can separate us from His love? (Rom. 8:35) .... Nothing! We know hard times will come, Jesus said In this world there is much tribulation but He has overcome! We will overcome when we do not allow the things of and in this world to talk us out of the truth we know. 


The 1st Giant

September 03, 2011
The enemy to your soul, is the enemy you will face in the wilderness.    If you cannot overcome the enemies of the wilderness, you will not be able to handle the giants in the promise land.   The first of three giants in the promise land is forgetfulnes...


What If

August 22, 2011
Ask yourself the question "What If?"  What if you knew the answers to all the "What Ifs" in your life? What if we became people of change every time we made a mistake, making a difference everywhere we go. All the answers to all the "What Ifs" are in God's Word.


Hear And Do

July 27, 2011
We know that the Holy Spirit is our answer. So with tools He gives us to overcome, combat, etc; we must renew our mind and make the changes within our selves and our thinking. It is not enough to just hear, we must do something with it. (James 1:22,23) 


The Holy Spirit Makes The Difference

July 25, 2011
The Holy Spirit is what makes the difference in not just having God IN your life, but having actual relationship WITH God. To be victorious in this life, it is not enough to just be born again, the Holy Spirit is the one with the answers. He precedes your victories. 5 keys to vic...


Stay In Love

July 13, 2011
Selfishness is the greatest enemy to our faith. We have to stay in faith and in love. The "Old Man" is always ready to come out in us, when we do not walk in love. People will not know Jesus apart from us, so we must walk in love and let Him be displayed in our everyday. 


How To Honor The House

June 29, 2011
We have to realize that God has already done everything we need Him to do, now it is our job to expect whatever "it" is that we are in need of.      Ask yourself "What is holding my house?", it may be fear, addiction, negativity, whatever it is, get it out of your...


Live Careless

October 30, 2009
I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Thinking and praying for you. I hope you like the video blog this week. Check out the link below and subscribe to our YouTube channel while your there. Enjoy 


Renew Your Mind To His Word

October 30, 2009
The Word will rightly divide what is in your heart. The treasures of your heart are made up of thoughts, attitudes, mind sets, experiences, generational beliefs, etc. So renew your mind to His Word so that your thoughts are His thoughts and your ways are His ways. Again, uproot, ...


The Way To A Healed Heart

October 30, 2009
If you want things to change in your life than you must uproot the things that are not of God, replant and then guard it with all diligence. Just as a farmer expects to receive a harvest after he has sown, we too can expect to reap after we have sown. Good or bad, we will reap. T...


The Soul And The Spirit

October 30, 2009
The Only thing that separates the soul from the spirit to be able to receive revelation is by the Word. It's what discerns our hearts (Hebrews 4:16). Our hearts and our character are one. Our character is what determines our future. We also must renew our minds daily to line up w...


Who's Holding Your House?

September 24, 2009
Our lives are not just about ourselves. There are people attached to us and they will be affected by our choices. If things of the world are controlling our minds, our emotions, our lives... then we are limited to what God can do in our lives and therefore will limit those around...


Who Is Jesus

September 09, 2009
When Jesus came into the Coasts of Caesarea of Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, "Whom do men say that I, the Son of man, am?"- Matthew 16:13. It's one thing to know who people say that Jesus is and it's another to think you know who He is. But it's something truly life c...


Today is a great day

July 29, 2009
Today is a great day! Sounds good, but do you really believe it? I encourage you today to live out what Philippians four tells us to live. Rejoice in Him always, be anxious for nothing, pray without ceasing and give thanks. When we do this God's peace will overtake our lives. It ...



We are in agreement with the tither and we expect the windows of heaven to be open and the Blessing to be poured out on your life! 
We are in agreement with all those giving an offering and we expect that gifts will be given to them good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!
You are blessed to be a blessing

If you would like to pay your tithe or sow a financial gift, click the link below!

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