Celebrating almost 30 years of ministry, Pastors Bert & Becky have given their lives to see people discipled by the power of God's word. With a history of drug-abuse, alcohol and the challenges of a broken family, Pastor Bert has walked free of fear, rejection and addictions for over 30 years. The heart-beat of Gates of the City is discipleship, empowering people to live in victory as their minds are renewed by the word of God.
We are in agreement with the tither and we expect the windows of heaven to be open and the Blessing to be poured out on your life! We are in agreement with all those giving an offering and we expect that gifts will be given to them good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!You are blessed to be a blessingIf you would like to pay your tithe or sow a financial gift, click the link below!
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